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In the beginning, Adform used TPE only for travel booking, but it has now developed into an integrated partnership where TPE supplies, supports and runs a complete BPO travel expense management solution. It is more than just mere system support. It is a collaboration where TPE handles our every travel need – from booking all business travel, consulting, managing travel policy and company credit cards, to settling up with and paying suppliers as well as reimbursement of our employees’ travel expenses in local currency and registering this in our ERP-system. Should we need extra insight, TPE is ready with management reporting and recommendations.”.
Anders Schultz Thygesen, Adform


Icon Lack of overview and transparency
Icon Looking for a global standard solution
Icon Time-demanding and heavy manual work procedures


Booking business travel + complete BPO travel expense management solution.


”On a general level, working with TPE means that we no longer have to use internal resources and time on travel booking and travel expense management, and we can instead concentrate fully on our clients and value creation. We have chosen to enter into an agreement with experts who possess the right core competencies for process optimization and automation, while also ensuring us the best prices and noticeable savings”, says Adform’s Vice President – Finance – Anders Schultz Thygesen.

He has been with Adform for 3 years, and it is today the largest ad-tech company in Northern Europe with a global client portfolio made up of companies all over the world in a highly competitive market. So although it may seem that a good idea and hard work alone is enough, a part of the subsequent success and a step toward continued growth has been due to an ability to focus on their own strategic competencies in order to continuously further the company’s goals. This has paved the way for outsourcing non-strategic areas - such as for example business travel.

Up until November 2020 Adform ran their own SAP Concur travel expense management solution, but after having been introduced to the possibilities involved in letting TPE take over, Adform has now outsourced this to TPE to everyone’s great satisfaction. In practice, this means that today TPE is much more than just ´a travel agency´; TPE is a complete collaboration partner and trusted advisor in the entire travel management area.

”TPE is made up of people who possess a solid process and business comprehension as well as a high level of technical competency. So in addition to a more efficient performance, they and their solution also ensure a significant simplification of, and high quality in, our bookkeeping. On top of this there are also savings due to better controlling options because of the complete transparency which the solution offers, and efficient mapping of our purchasing needs and purchasing volume in order to establish the best possible supplier agreements. In short, they provide us with both expertise and a complete BPO travel expense management solution, which means a more flexible set-up at a lower cost”, says Anders Schultz Thygesen
Some of the most important advantages to TPE can be found in their extensive and in-depth knowledge of IT platforms, solutions and system set-ups. At the same time, they have a unique ability to enter into close dialogue and true partnership, where critical competencies and expert counselling are converted into real and measurable advantages to their members. It is an organisation of people who know how to listen and make adjustments along the way, if and when these are necessary. They are structured in their approach to running processes and projects with dedicated resources. This means that the glue that holds us and them together is always strong”.
Anders Schultz Thygesen, Adform”.

Coop Office
About Adform
The company Adform started 20 years ago as a fantastic idea by three engineers from DTU to create a revolutionary software-platform and has today developed into a global company with 600+ employees, whereof 30 work at the main office in Copenhagen. Competitors include big hitters like Google which every day square up against against Adform’s highly competent developers and other employees at the back-office centre in Vilnius as well as in the other 25+ offices worldwide. Today Adform is the leader in its field as the only global, independent and fully integrated commercial and advertisement platform built for modern marketing.
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