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Providing savings from year 1

At TPE, we provide savings from year 1 – and document them continuously. Travel sourcing and expense management form part of our core business, and we hold the highest level of expertise.

Documented figures show that our members save 10-24% annually on their corporate travel spend – simply by allowing us to insource their travel management.

End-to-end travel sourcing and expense management made simple

Here’s how you can save 10-24%

At TravelpoolEurope, we handle business travel like any other spend category: Our focus is to ensure the best overall performance. It is part of our core business, and we hold the highest level of expertise. Documented figures show that our members save 10-24% annually on their corporate travel spend – simply by allowing us to insource their travel management.

But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s prove it: Book a free analysis of your travel spend
We offer you a short introduction to our concept by taking a deep dive into your travel data. From there, we will build a detailed baseline, offering you full visibility of your company’s travel spend and the benefits we can bring to the table.

We walk the talk
If you want to access the savings and become a member of TravelpoolEurope, naturally our analysis will be free of charge. We happily prove savings against the baseline as we go, bearing in mind that our interests are exactly same as those of our members 1:1.


It’s really that simple. Logo

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